What can I do to get better?

“All I want is to feel better”. I said this sentence more than one million times. I just want to feel better. Is that too much to ask for? And I tried so many different things, diets, allergies test, supplements but nothing helped on the long term. Sometimes I thought I am doing better but at the end: I always came back to where I started. And at one point I knew: this has to stop.

And that is the reason why we are here: We are going to give you few tips about how to feel better and tackle your PCOS symptoms in a natural way. Those tips are based on our researches and the books we read, they fit to my needs so far, are doable and not that expensive. You can try them, adapt them, look for informations to make them more complete, or even ask to specialists.

Eat PCOS friendly, diet:

  • Gluten-free & Dairy-free: If you read our previous articles, you already know that PCOS induces metabolism disorders caused by inflammations. In order to reduce those inflammations you must cut out gluten and dairy from your daily diet.

  • Sugar-free: If you are part of the 70% of women who have PCOS due to insulin resistance, you should not eat sugar. Sugar can also be a cause of your inflammations.

  • Low carb: One of the reason why the blood sugar is raising can be the intake of carbs. That is why you should start to reduce carbs and focus on eating the right carbs such as : whole grain carbs, vegetables, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, etc. Your carb level should be between 50 and 150g a day but, as every PCOS are different, you have to find what is best for you.

  • High protein: As you already know, one of the main cause of PCOS is too high insulin and testosterone levels as well as being overweight. That is why, following a high protein diet can reduce your appetite, low insulin and testosterone levels.

  • Healthy fats: Food is supposed to nourish your body instead of causing harm. Healthy fats like avocado oil, coconut oil or olive oil can help your body to work more smoothly. Avocado and olive oil for example contains oleic acid which is a monounsaturated omega 9 fatty acid, that may reduces cholesterol, can improve heart health and lower blood pressure.

  • Histamine-free: Histamine is mostly produced in the uterus and the ovaries. It should, among other things, keep your estrogen level high and release progesterone. Progesterone is here to process histamine in the right way so you are not having a too high histamine level. A lot of women with PCOS have too low progesterone levels and that is why the body produces too much histamine that cannot be processed. The symptoms of histamine intolerance can be headaches, strong period pain, and rashes. Having a too high level of histamine can also be one of the reason why you are experiencing miscarriages. That is why it can be advised to eat histamine free.

  • Alcohol, caffein, theine, cigarettes: They can cause inflammations, raise your cortisol level, and are not the best for you.

Habits and rhythm

  • sleep : You should : go to bed between 10pm and 11.30pm, turn you phone on night modus 2 hours before you fall asleep, and wake up with a sunlight clock alarm. This will help to get your melatonin balanced, and help you to kick back this fatigue you often feel in the morning no matter how long you slept.

  • sport : It is recommended to do sport from 2 to 3 times a week. You must focus on using weights and on avoiding intense cardio as it will raise your stress your insulin levels.


  • Ovasitol : After you are diagnosed with PCOS including Insulin resistance, many doctors want you to take metformin. But Metformin is a mix of different things and has many side effects. Ovasitol is the most common replacement for metformin as it has no side effects but the same medical effect than metformin. It’s an inositol supplement made to promote menstrual regularity and to balance your Insulin resistance. It contains 100% inositol powder and should be taken twice a day. You can buy Ovasitol online here, and be delivered all over Europe, except in Germany.

  • Zinc & Magnesium : Many women with PCOS have low Zinc and Magnesium levels. Zinc can improve symptoms acne hair loss and excessive hair growth. Magnesium can improve your insulin resistance, improve inflammations, and decrease the risk of developing diabetes. One of the best online store that we can recommend is the brand called Pure.

  • Vitamin D3 & B (6 and 12): As women with PCOS can suffer from mood swings, Vitamin D3 can help to stabilise those and can also improve fertility. Vitamin B is known for improving PMS, cardiovascular health, balancing blood sugar, and regulating mood swings.

  • Probiotic: As you already know women with PCOS often suffer from inflammations. As our Immunsystem lays in our gut, the one thing we really need is healthy intestinal bacteria. To improve that, you can try Probiotics. One of the best that I tried is Probiotic pur.

  • CBD Oil: Through out our research we came across CBD Oil. It has many amazing affects and can help for many different symptoms. But, I just start to try it so I can not say a lot about it. If you wanna read more about it, we recommend to read the Blogarticel about CBD Oil at PCOS Diva.

All of the things we recommended, are just recommendations. When Shirien got diagnosed with PCOS she slowly started with one change after the other. The things that made a huge difference were cutting our gluten, sugar and dairy, eating low carb, changing sport and sleep habits and Ovasitol. The other things came step by step. We always recommend to ask your doctor before you take any of the above mentioned Supplements. Shirien asked her Gynecologist before she took Ovasitol to make sure it has the same effects than metformin. The best advice that we can give you: ask your doctor and try things one by one. See what works best for you, as every body is different.


How to be Diagnosed with PCOS